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Заказ на HILGE (brand of GEA) 98997276 — 22.12.2020

HILGE (brand of GEA) 98997276 — Отправить заявку на info@famaga.ru

Состав заказа:

  • Производитель: HILGE (brand of GEA)
  • Страна: Другая
  • Артикульный номер: 98997276
  • Описание: Насос Neupumpe End suction stainless steel pump, Cr-Ni-Mo steel Description: GEA Hilge CONTRA I /4 BVY 50/40/3/2 as pre-delivery 98997276 Execution: Sterile Standard Wet end parts in AISI 316L (1.4404/1.4435), manually- and electropolished All liquid touched elastomere with USP Class VI conformity Design: vertical, multi stage pump in Bloc version with motor Installation: pump w/o foot/stand, pump will be installed by customer Painting colour: RAL 5010 Performance: Q = 8,2 m³/h, H = 52 m Fls Medium: Water for Injection Viscosity: 1 mPas, Density: 1000 kg/m³ Temperature: 90 °C, Concentration: Impeller(s): open sterile-impeller, forged and milled execution 1306 Ø 130KN- 130LN-130LN-130LN Shaft seal: single mechanical seal with seal cover and flowbreaker Sterile seal, encapsulated spring - Ra ? 0.8 μm Silicon carbide / Silicon carbide / EPDM - FDA, USP Class VI and 3A Sanitary conform Execution: duo-directional, stationary ring with lubricating grooves and v-shaped gap Elastomers: EPDM with FDA and USP Class VI Connections: Diameter DNE 50 Diameter DNA 40 Connection DNE: Clamp Liner DIN 32676 for DIN pipes (DIN 11866 - A) Connection DNA: Clamp Liner DIN 32676 for DIN pipes (DIN 11866 - A) Position DNE/DNA: axial/tangential top, 12:00 o'clock Materials: Casing/casing parts: AISI 316L - 1.4404/1.4435, Ra ? 0.8 μm (welding seams smoothly grinded) Impeller(s): AISI 316L - 1.4435 - Ra ? 0.8 μm Shaft: 1.4571 - AISI 316TI, Ra ? 1.6 μm (not a product contacted part) Bearing bracket/Lantern: cast iron - GG 20 Motor: three-phase motor with PTC thermistor Size: 100L Vendor: Kaiser Performance: 3 Speed: 2900 rpm Voltage: 400VD/690VY (± 5%) Frequency: 50 Hz Protection class: IP55 Efficiency class: IE3 Iso-class.: F Design: IM B5 - flange motor Terminal box position: factory mounted position: top, 12:00 o'clock Ex protection: w/o Rated voltage: 400 V Test bed acceptance: Performance acceptance test following ISO 9906: 2012, Grade 2B Documents: Pump test report, Operating manual, Declaration of CE conformity
  • Дата последнего заказа: 22.12.2020
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