
Accurate average power measurements for EMC applications
Key Facts
  • Measurement range: -67 dBm - +23 dBm
  • Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
  • N connector
  • Specially designed for EMC applications
  • Measurement of continuous average power
  • 90 dB dynamic range for CW and modulated signals
  • Low sensitivity to harmonics

Brief Description In EMC applications, usually only the average power is of interest. This is where the R&S®NRP-Z91/R&S®NRP-Z92 average power sensors are the perfect fit. They cover measurement ranges that are used in radio telecommunications (up to 6 GHz) as well as the important lower frequency bands (down to 9 kHz). Users benefit from the excellent properties of the three-path diode power sensors, including a dynamic range of up to 90 dB, very low influence of the modulation on the measurement and outstanding impedance matching.
Average power sensors
Frequency range Power measurement range, maximum input power Impedance matching (SWR) Rise time, video BW Uncertainty for power measurements at +20 °C to +25 °C (1) absolute (in dB) (2) relative (in dB)
R&S®NRP-Z91, N connector
9 kHz to 6 GHz 200 pW to 200 mW (–67 dBm to +23 dBm) max. 400 mW (AVG)/ 1 W (PK, 10 ?s) 9 kHz to 2.4 GHz: <1.13> 2.4 GHz to 6.0 GHz: <1.20 (1) 0.047 to 0.083 (2) 0.022 to 0.066
R&S®NRP-Z92, N connector
9 kHz to 6 GHz 2 nW to 2 W (–57 dBm to +33 dBm) max. 3 W (AVG)/ 10 W (PK, 10 ?s) 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz: <1.14> 2.4 GHz to 6.0 GHz: <1.20 (1) 0.079 to 0.151 (2) 0.022 to 0.087